A person who gives willingly is loved by God  2 Corinthians 9.7



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Summer children's camp


0 % Funded

$ 100.0
$ 1,000,000.0
Days left

About the campaign

The Andromeda Charitable Foundation wants to build a summer children's camp for school-age children.
There are a lot of children in Ukraine whose parents cannot pay for their children’s summer holidays. And the war ruined everything.
If we reach 30% of the required amount, we will immediately begin construction of the camp.
We will publish all reports on the website.

Online Donation

Use this form to make an online donation. If this is for something specific, please note that in the comment box

Donor information

Summer children's camp
I would like this donation to be made in honor of someone
  in honor of
  in memory of
  in dedicate to
  in remembrance of

Donation Information
