A person who gives willingly is loved by God  2 Corinthians 9.7



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Help for the elderly


0 % Funded

$ 0.0
$ 600,000.0
Days left

About the campaign

  There are always people around us who need basic help and care. These are low-income, lonely old people, children without parents, disabled people and people who find themselves in difficult life situations.
  Help, which may sometimes be feasible for us, may be vital for them. And showing care and support is even more worth it, because people begin to feel needed and important.
The Andromeda Foundation provides targeted assistance to families affected by war.
  From the very beginning of the military invasion of the Russian Federation, our Foundation mobilized all its efforts to help the victims. Our profile is helping people in difficult life circumstances. And now the situation is that almost all Ukrainians find themselves in these very circumstances.
Our resources are not enough. We desperately need your help!

Online Donation

Use this form to make an online donation. If this is for something specific, please note that in the comment box

Donor information

Help for the elderly
I would like this donation to be made in honor of someone
  in honor of
  in memory of
  in dedicate to
  in remembrance of

Donation Information
